
World Environment Day Focus: Achieving Water Saving with Smart Washroom Technology

26 June 2024

World Environment Day offers a time to reflect on the impact the modern world has on our natural landscape. Climate change, urbanization and growing populations are all putting pressure on precious resources, with water being the most at-risk. Technology and innovation are key to addressing water conservation on the scale that is needed, and in this article, we look at how Smart washroom technology is redefining water conservation in commercial spaces, helping to safeguard a water-secure future.

Every June we celebrate World Environment Day, an event that encourages awareness and action for the protection of our natural environment. This years’ theme was ‘#GenerationRestoration’, highlighting the threat of water shortages and drought, and serving as a timely reminder of the need to act now to protect our resources in the future.

Precious supplies

Water is fundamental to life, yet it is a finite resource. Despite covering more than 70% of the world’s surface, less than 3% of the world’s water is freshwater, and less than 1% of this is accessible for direct human use. With climate change, increasing global temperatures and rising populations putting immense pressure on our already threatened supply, we face an environmental crisis on a global scale.

In the MENA region, home to seven out of the 10 most water-stressed nations in the world, the water crisis is a pressing concern. With populations growing at an unprecedented rate, a hot and dry climate, and limited freshwater supplies, conserving water in the Middle East is more critical than ever.

Time to act

The future of water conservation falls to governments, regulators and individuals, to increase resilience and sustainability across all sectors. Key to driving change will be investing in technological innovations that can redefine our approach to conserving water.

One area where innovative solutions have already begun to transform water conservation efforts is within commercial spaces.

Traditionally associated with high levels of water consumption, commercial buildings require vast amounts of water to run systems such as irrigation, food services, and washing facilities. But one of the most water-consuming area within any commercial space is the washroom.

Water wastage in the traditional washroom

Characterized by standard fixtures and fittings and excessive water usage, traditional washrooms are one of the worst offenders when it comes to water waste. Flush toilets can use up to 6 gallons per flush, standard taps flow at a rate of more than 2 gallons per minute, and a leaky pipe can waste thousands of gallons over the course of a year.

Faced with an increasing need to create green systems and sustainable buildings, the washroom is an obvious place to start when addressing over consumption and water waste.

Smart water metering

Thanks to the introduction of innovative Smart technology and water-saving solutions, today’s commercial washroom can easily adapt to become greener and smarter, drastically reducing water usage in the process. Leveraging innovation and advanced technology, Smart washrooms minimize water usage without compromising on user experience.

IoT water management systems allow building management teams to monitor, manage and control water usage. Using smart metering devices, innovative technology helps companies to control water usage by monitoring everything from leaks and flow rates to flush volumes and water pressure, in real time.

Data is collected from a range of sensors and meters and analysed into comprehensive water performance reports. Dashboards then display water use on a day-to-day basis, with notifications immediately informing the user of any issues such as a leak or blockage, allowing them to take immediate action and cut off water supplies. This not only saves water but can mitigate future costly repairs.

Waterless innovation

One of the most significant innovations in the last few years has been the Waterless Urinal. The effective water-saving solution takes water usage from excessive to zero. Saving up to 157,000 litres of water per year per urinal, the Smart solution not only makes a big impact on water consumption, but is more hygienic, eliminates bad odours and eliminates the need for environmentally damaging cleaning products.

Smart appliances

Simple adaptations can also be made to commercial washroom appliances, to drastically reduce water waste and ensure commercial spaces comply with green building regulations. Low flow taps and faucets can address over consumption, and aerators can be retrofit, at minimal cost, to reduce flow rate, minimize splash and cut water waste.

Sensors can be added to taps, making them touchless so they only run when hands are detected underneath, reducing flow rate and the amount of water wasted. The same retrofit sensors can also be applied to bidets, hoses, shower heads, and toilets, achieving significant reductions in water consumption, whilst maintaining ideal flow rates and optimal user experience.

Achieve water savings, go Smart

Representing one of the most water-consuming areas of a commercial space, embracing smart technology within the washroom can make a significant difference towards water conservation efforts.

With a range of simple, cost-effective solutions available, upgrading from a traditional to a Smart washroom will not only save water, but contribute to a more sustainable future.

By embracing innovation, we can all do our bit to protect our planet for generations to come. #GenerationRestoration

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