Water Consumption Audits

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Our complimentary commercial water audits allow businesses to review their water consumption and efficiency across all water outlets. Despite water being such a precious and expensive commodity, most businesses in the UAE don’t know exactly how, when and where they are using it, and crucially, where they are wasting it. With an overview of consumption, businesses can make an informed choice on the most effective water saving solutions and initiatives, tailored uniquely to their needs.

Our water usage audits are carried out by our highly trained technicians. Our experts conduct a full survey and consultation of a property’s water consumption, investigating how water is used, where it is used, and when. They will review water bills and investigate discrepancies and consider the quality and type of water being used. Once the audit is complete, we provide an overview of consumption across all water outlets, including toilets, showers, taps, bidet hoses and more.

Water Audit Engineer

How can Commercial Water Audits help you?

Our detailed water audit reports focus on ways your business can lower water usage and waste and become more water efficient. Our experts will recommend a range of cost-effective water saving products and solutions, bespoke to your business needs, that will help you save on operational costs, as well as support your water conservation goals. Suggestions may range from Smart water monitoring and management systems, through to the use of IoT technology and sensors, which allow companies to accurately measure, monitor and control their water distribution and usage. We also provide an estimate of the savings you can expect to achieve from each recommendation.

Any business looking to improve their sustainability credentials should consider a water consumption audit. The process helps commercial and retail companies make water and money saving a priority. By understanding the way they use water, companies can also change their approach to water use, helping them to switch to more efficient products and processes, and decreasing dependency on our rapidly depleting precious resources.

The Benefits

Magnifine glass icon with pipe leak icon

Help businesses to achieve their sustainability targets


The potential to saves vast amounts of water

Green man icon directing

Bespoke advice on products and solutions that will make a difference

Save Money icon in green

Offers considerable cost savings through reduced utility bills

Thumbs up icon in green

Completely free of charge

dynamic icon on green laptop

Improved operational efficiencies with better management of water use

Frequently Asked Questions?

What is a water audit and how is it performed?

Water audits help commercial and retail properties review their current water consumption. Carried out by skilled technicians, a comprehensive audit provides an insight into how much water is being used and crucially, wasted, across any type of building. A detailed report is then shared, offering advice on how and where water can be saved and highlighting which water-saving solutions and products would offer the best return of investment with maximum environmental impact. The report also gives accurate estimates on water reduction percentages and carbon savings.

What does a water audit consist of?

A water audit for commercial and retail businesses shows them how much water they are using, and how effective that water use is. The audit covers efficiency and consumption across all water outlets. Water consumption experts investigate how, where and when water is being used. The audit involves looking at utility bills and highlighting any anomalies. Once complete, a report is presented to the business which suggests the most cost-effective yet efficient changes that need to be made.

How do you conduct a water audit?

Water consumption auditing involves experts conducting a thorough review of water use across a commercial business. The audit then gives a detailed explanation of water consumption across all outlets, including toilets, taps, showers and more. With a clear idea of consumption, businesses can choose the most cost-effective water saving products and initiatives, bespoke to their needs.

The report also offers estimates on water reduction amounts and carbon savings that could be achieved.

Find out more about our Water Consumption Audits

Talk to us today to find out how we can help you measure, manage and save water in real time.

Our Water Saving Products

Row of stainless faucets/taps in a washroom

For Taps & Faucets

Row of various white water saving urinals

For Urinals

Water saving Bidet hose on wall

For Bidet Hoses

Rain Shower head on brown tiles

For Showers

Row of stainless Steel Abution Taps on wall

For Ablution Areas

White Toilet with cleaning brush beside it

For Toilets